= 5 =
conditions are playing therein,
2) The Faculty (Flate 3 and 4 of annex II).
Although the number of faxulty menbers has remained pretty
such the some, the general make-up of the teaching staff has changed
considerably. Mainly due to the denasificotion, the number of
ordained professors has decreased by 30 #3; their positions had to
bo filled by part-time teachers, To this must be added tho faot that
(a) the nunber of students has doubled and that (b) the psychologic
social and educational background of to-day's students means a
greatly increased load of student-counselling. Host of the teaching
aids « books, charts, modelo, coliectiono, chenicals, apparatus,
ete, = have been destroyed and cannot Le replaced; that requires
inprovisations, but also like everything else, an increased work
load. All these additional and increased tasks bave to be performed
with a diet aimed to consist of 1,550 calories but at times as low
as 230 calories per day (as compared to a diet of 2,000 calories
per day in normal times), and thus an ever-increasing state of
exhaustion makes itself felt among the members of our fasulty. The
detachment from the worries about one's everyday exislence, So
necessary for scientific work, is lacking almost completely.
Briefly, what ie called for to make our tesching staff able
to cope with pedagogic and scientific demands of our Hochschule
is (in addition to increasing the number of class rooms and
laboratories as rapidly as possible) teaching aide and food,
3) The Student Body (Plate 5 of annex 111).
Conpared to the handicaps our teaching staff is forced to
labor under, those facing our students are considerably greater.
Flate 5 not only speaks for itself, but alec furnishes the necessary
background for an understanding of the results of a physical
exmmination unde recently uf 603 students, A condensation of a
report dated June 16, 1947, written by Df. Lutz, Chief of the
Health Department of the Furttenberg Ministry of Interior, reads
as fellowes
"The average weight of the students is 6.17 # below standard. This
is commensurate to the decrease in weight noted in the whole
population end is due to the general food situations 0.79 # of the
students examined suffered from edema, 8.6 # from vitamin —
deficiencies, Here the percentages are considerably higher than