Full text: Memorandum: The Technische Hochschule Stuttgart as it was - as it is (1947)

A © it x su TH e 
AS IT BAS ww Bs il 18. 
For nearly two years now, the feoulty and students of the 
Technische Hochschule Stuttgart have been working towards the 
reconstruétion cf their school. © are nearing the end of the 
fourth postewar senestor now; wo, that is 4,000 Students, 105 
teachers plus à large Staff of assistants, all of them devoted 
to their conson task, The common ain inopiring both faculty and 
ttudents alike to work despite the present hardshipe of life in 
Germany in s spirit of hope and optimise are on the one hand the 
reestablishment of the free acadenic spirit which characterised 
university life in Gernany bofore the outbresk of Nasiss, on the 
other hand the dosire to take their place once more in the 
international conuunity of scientific endeavor, 
Tho prerequisitos for this are of a very material nature, 
for since 75 # of the Hochschule buildings were destroyed, the 
rebuilding program became of primary isportance. The rule vas 
passed in the summer of 1945 that no student would be admitted 
to the first semester who had not worked two to six months full 
tine in the rebuilding: of the school (the sonle was set according 
to tho oirounstonees in which each student lived). Work started 
in September 1945; fron then until June 1947, nearly 1,000,00€ 
ten hours have been given by the stadents, both man and female, 
to the robuilding of their Hochschule, They worked as masons and 
carpenters, ao plumbers and painters, they cut lusber in the woods 
and cleaned up the rubble, they drove bulldozers and blasted ruins; 
many of then fanily fathers, or disabled veterans, or refugees from 
the eastern provinces, The pay is 70 Pfennige per hour; the diet 
the normal diet of post-war Germany. 
Hie months of manual labor over, the student turns to his 
studies, The Gifficulties under which he labors are the inevitable 
-/ s 

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