unrealistic to expect public officials to devote as much
time to understanding the model as the professional
planners. But they certainly can be introduced to its
assumptions, theories, and limitations and the uses to
which it can be put.
Models of Systems and Subsystems
As a practical matter in the development of applied ur-
ban models it is generally wise to start with independent
submodels for the smallest functional units and later to
combine these into larger models. The development of
submodels allows a division of labor among specialists in
various aspects of urban growth and change. For instance,
one group can work on a traffic submodel while another
group attacks an employment or housing submodel. In-
dependently constructed submodels must be designed and
built with great care so that ultimately they will be
comparable and additive. The variables that connect the
submodels merit special attention. Those that do not fit
directly into any submodel are sometimes in danger of
slipping through the cracks, never to be seen again.
An inherent problem in the development of submodels is
the maintenance of comparable quality across the sub-
models. Some subjects - traffic analysis, for example -
are more analytically advanced than others. Efforts have
to be allocated among the tasks so as to bring the greatest
incremental gain to the total model.
The concept of marginal analysis can provide a way of
considering systematically the costs and contributions of
submodels, As far as possible, relative accuracy of the
submodels should reflect their relative importance to the
predictive process of the full model.
An important consideration, of course, is the selection of
subsystems sufficiently critical to warrant development of
a submodel. Most of the remarks we have made about
selection of factors and variables for inclusion in the
model apply here as well.
We should note that the decision is frequently made to
include more variables for analytic purposes than will be
necessary for prediction. Quite simply, it is easier and
better to delete variables than to add them at some later
date. Some may not be projectable, but still can be use-
ful for analysis.
Extending the Use of Urban Models
It is somewhat premature to speculate on the extension of
urban models to new applications when the areas to which
they have been applied thus far - land use, transportation,
population, economic activity - have been scarcely in-
fluenced by the process. These are still the prime areas
for applied urban models, and it is hoped that the second
generation of models, now being developed, will be more
useful than were their predecessors.
Nevertheless, speculation on possible new areas of appli-
cation brings to mind planning for recreational facilities
(11). Different people have different needs, but we do
not yet have a systematic way of analyzing or comparing
them. Another application would be planning for the
location of schools, particularly high schools or commu-
nity colleges. The placement of such facilities is
governed by multiple objectives, including accessibility,
area development plans, and contribution to racial inte-
gration. Rational evaluation of objectives such as these
could be facilitated by application of planning models.
Similarly, planning for the location of other city functions
such as hospitals, parking facilities, airports, water and
sewage treatment plants, and so forth, could well profit
From the use of a model. Further applications might be
possible in air and water pollution control programs, and
in the development of urban indicators which could tell,
on a continuing basis, what critical changes were taking
place in various zones or neighborhoods of a city.
Another potential use of models is for the evaluation of
other models. Computer simulation, while certainly far
less costly than real-world experimentation, is neverthe-
less expensive. Complex and comprehensive models con-
tain far too many variable and parameters to permit test
of all reasonable combinations. One solution to this
dilemma is to run a model for a few key input combina-
tions, and use a second model to interpolate between
those key points; that is, to study the difference between
established objective and forecast. The latter model would
contain only those variables vital to the test area.
Some new modeling techniques are yet to be applied to
urban models. For instance, Bayesian decision theory can
be used for sequential planning decisions made under
uncertainty and with limited information. A planner can
assess a prior probability distribution of events, and use
such a model to choose from among alternatives. After
implementation of the plan or project, new data are
gathered from which a posterior distribution of events
is developed. This updated distribution gives the planner
an indication of how accurate his original estimates were
and form the basis for the second round of decisions. As
this cycle is repeafed, the probability distribution should
approach the actual distribution of events. The planner’s
ability at prediction improves correspondinglv
This approach could be quite valuable in a planningsitua-
ton involving a housing project, where the reaction of
the residents is not known. A planner would make initial
estimates of the location, design and size which will be
acceptable to the public. With these assessments he
decides whether or not to initiate action, make efforts to
acquire land and so forth. As the public is heard from,
their reactions serve to modify the original assessments if
necessary. The Bayesian approach, as illustrated here,
presents a formal method for accumulation of knowledge
and experience. Actual experience can be compared with
predicted experience and the deviation used to determine
subsequent action.
Future models must pay closer attention to the dynamics
of response to public programs, and to the intricate inter-
connection between segments of our society. Even now,
highway planners are becoming interested in short-term,
transient effects of new roads, as well as long-termin
impact. Similarly, most of the recent air and water pol-
lution programs have concerned themselves with the
timing and phasing of action.
A current research project (12) is attempting the devel-
opment of mathematical models to describe the macro-
economic growth and decay of cities. The city is viewed
as a-dynamic process susceptible to analysis by the classi-
cal solution methods for differential eauations. A set of
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