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Department of the Interior (Geological survey) (Washington): Annual
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242—246, 248—250, 252—255, 257—262, 264, — Professional
papers No. 29—833, 35, 39. — Water supply and irrigation papers
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Regia Societas scientiarum Upsaliensis: Acta literaria et scientiarum
Sveciae, Vol. IV, 2—5, 1736—1789. — Nova Acta (== ser. 2 der
Acta), Vol. II, IV—XIV (1775, 1784—1850); ser. 3 Vol, I—XII
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Victoria. Public library, Museums and National Gallery (Melbourne):
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Waadtland s. Lausanne.
Washington. Smithsonian Institution: Annual report of the Board
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part I (1905). — Contributions from the U. S. Nat. Herbarium
Vol. IX (1905). — Smithsonian contributions to knowledge
Vol. XXXIV No. 1459, — Smithsonian miscellaneous collections
Vol. 46 No. 1443, 1444, 1543, 1544, 1572; Vol. 47 No. 1459,
1478, 1548; Vol. 48 No. 1574; Vol. 49 No. 1584, ;
— s. auch United States.
Wellington s. New Zealand Institute.
Wien. Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, math.-naturw. Klasse:
Sitzungsberichte Bd. CXII, 1903: Abt. 1 Heft 4—10; Abt. 2a
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Wiesbaden s. Nassauischer Verein für Naturkunde.
Winterthur. Naturwiss. Gesellschaft. .
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